Order Confirmation
When you place your order on our buyivermectinforhumans.us site we will immediately email you an order confirmation. Within 24 hours you should receive a second email to confirm your order is now in processing. If we are unable to fulfill your buyivermectinforhumans.us order or there is a payment problem we will email you.
Shipping Confirmation
Once your order is in processing it will likely be shipped that day. A shipping confirmation will be emailed to you accompanied with a track and trace number if applicable. The email will outline typical shipping times and how to contact us if you have any questions.
We can ship to your home address or to your work if you prefer.
PO Boxes And APO Addresses
Delivery Times
Lost Orders And Reshipments
An additional 7 days have elapsed in addition to the standard delivery time since the ship date. - The shipping address provided to us is correct
Returns And Refunds
They buy buyivermectinforhumans.us offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
We will refund for any product as long as we have received the goods back from you promptly and the product can be resold. The products need to be unused, unopened, with an expiry date of more than 3 months.